
Student Life – A Residential Life

Hostel – A Home Away from Home What strikes anyone entering either of the hostels at RVK is the homeliness of the set-up. During their free time, some children can be seen relaxing in their dormitories; others can be heard showering in the washrooms to the accompaniment of tuneful (more often tuneless!!) singing; still others may be engaged in the Common Rooms – playing table tennis or other indoor games, watching television, listening to music, reading the newspapers or magazines or just ‘hanging out’ watching the others playing. These are leisure time activities in the hostel. The hostel schedule is clearly chalked out and the children know exactly what they are meant to be doing at any given time. From the time they join school, they are expected to keep their cupboards neat and clean; look after their clothes and other belongings properly; see that they are always turned out smartly – whether it is in school uniform, games kit, evening or coloured clothes and live in harmony with all the others who share the hostel and its facilities with them.


Most of the parents, which seek admission for their children, are from North-Karnataka. As most of these parents are quite economically affluent, they prefer a residential school, preferably boys School. The main essence is to inculcate the Sanskaras in them and discipline and respect to elders, which is being nurtured here. The Holistic development of the child is being observed. At the end of the year, the parents observe the attitudinal changes in their child, which makes them happy. So, they are the stakeholders of the institution and they also behave as brand ambassadors of the school, by being well-wishers and bringing admissions from their natives. They have a emotional bonding towards the school


Periodic training Programmes are organized to keep the faculty abreast of the latest Teaching/ learning techniques. The faculty of the institution is of open mind and prefers to acquire new ideas and technologies at regular intervals through faculty improvement Programmes. That is conducted in house and also through the centres of excellence outside. Orientation Programs are conducted twice in a year, one is MTR2 (Mid Term Review and Refresher Course) and another is TOP (Teacher Orientation Program) conducted at Dharwad and Bengaluru respectively. Here in RVK Teachers are motivated to give Power Point Presentation on topics of their choice. Periodically resource persons are called to school to give lectures on useful topics like child counselling, Conceptual clarification, Personality development etc.

School Management Committee


School Timings

Class Monday – Saturday
School Timings
8.00 AM - 3.30 PM
Office Hours
9:00 AM - 5.00 PM
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