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Republic Day Celebration in RVK – Dharwad

Dharwad, Jan. 26: “January 26, 1950 is the day India implemented its constitution. The day it abandoned monarchy and established its existence in democracy. India is a country that considers its citizens as its rulers,” said retired Indian Army Captain Sri Girish. They were speaking as the Chief Guest at the Republic Day program held herein Rashtrotthana Vidya Kendra – Dharwad, Neeralkatti.
“The success of democracy is in the hands of the common people. Therefore, the youth and students of the country should understand their responsibility and walk.

Saraswati Homa in RVK – Dharwad

Dharwad, Feb. 3: Saraswati Homa was organized on the occasion of Vasant Panchami in Rashtrotthana Vidya Kendra – Dharwad, Neeralkatti. The Saraswati Homa was conducted under the leadership of Sri Harsha Bhat and Sri Ramachandra Bhat.
The Principal of the school, Dr. Anita Rai, wished the children good luck for the upcoming exams and blessed them.

National Youth Day Celebration in RVK – Dharwad

Dharwad, Jan 13: “Swami Vivekananda’s principles serve as a foundation for India’s global advancement today. He regarded the entire nation as his home and dedicated himself to promoting the welfare of the world from that perspective. It is essential for all of us to embrace Vivekananda’s ideals and strive towards elevating our nation to its utmost potential” said thinker Kiran Kumar Vivekavanshi.

Teacher Refresher Training Workshop-4 in RVK – Dharwad

Dharwad, Jan. 10-11: A two-day teacher Refresher workshop was conducted herein Rashtrotthana Vidya Kendra –Dharwad, Niralakatti.
School principal Dr. Anita Rai Inaugurating the workshop, said, “Rashtrotthana School is a school that teaches culture and values ​​to children. Thus, training workshops will be beneficial for teachers to improve the quality of teachers.”

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