About Us
RVK was conceived with the vision of providing meaningful quality education based on our Bharathiya value system to enable an individual to lead a quality life useful to himself and also to the society. The aim is that the student must be able to identify his potential and transform it fully so as to utilize it for the benefit of the motherland. The school is duly affiliated to Central Board of Secondary Education (Affiliation No. 830131). The school aims at maintaining high standards at all levels in respect of community living as well as in academic achievements.

The Goal we have set to ourselves is to achieve quality in everything that concerns the students of our school and we are the role models. We want them to grow as true Bharathiyas inheriting the nation’s rich cultural and spiritual values, endowed with humanity, courtesy, honesty and integrity. Our expectation is that our alumni should have deep concern for their brethren and contribute their might towards the prosperity, peace and progress of our motherland. That they should lead a life of the highest level of national value and personal character. The students can feel the excitement of the wholesome education, which is the first step in transforming one’s potential into reality.
This vision is pursued by providing all facilities to the students. We have well qualified teachers committed to this vision and new teachers are appointed and given proper orientation. The foundation is love and mutual trust, on which all other values are gradually built. Yoga, Daily prayers, Bhajans, inspiring talks by well-known dignitaries are part and parcel of the curriculum. The warm & positive approach developed by the students in dealing with problems have become a well appreciated feature. Parents have noticed the positive attitudinal change taking place in their wards gradually and are excited to share their happiness with us. We have enviably excelled in Academics, Sports and Co-curricular activities for more than a decade, we were driving on the ideology of Rashtrotthana Parishat, Janashikshana, Janaseva and Janajagruti. Holding on to these great thoughts, we have successfully completed 18 years of fruitful service to the society. We are forging ahead and emphasising on higher concepts with our vision mission and value based on the principle Swastha-Susthira Samajnirman.
Our Mission
- Create and promote literature that enshrines Bharatiya life-values in the hearts of the people
- Social transformation through value based nationalistic education that achieves overall development of students
- To fulfil the needs of society through various service activities like Yoga, Health and such others
- To create models of excellence in all activities and to encourage their widespread adaptation

Our Vision
Swastha-Susthira Samajanirmanam To build a healthy and sustainable society.
Our Values
1. Affection (Aatmeeyata)
2. Commitment
3. Patriotism
4. Integrity
Our Founder
Rashtrotthana Parishat
From Principal’s Desk
From Principal’s Desk

Dr. Anita Rai (MA, BEd, PhD)
RVK – Dharwad
We have a dynamic and genius team to serve you
- Secretary
- Pradhanacharya
- Administrator
- Accounts Officer
- Office Assistants
- Purchase Officer
- Liaison Official